President’s Message, March 2023

Over the last twenty years, the member companies of HAIPP have tangibly demonstrated their confidence in the prospects of the Greek economy, even during the most difficult years of that period. Our member companies have already invested around €2 bn in seven modern natural gas power plants and they continue investing in such new units that will soon be operational. The very existence of these flexible and dispatchable units guarantees the security of power supply in Greece, especially during the energy transition with a declining share of lignite electricity and a rapidly growing share of intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. At the same time, HAIPP’s member companies are among the largest investors in renewable energy and, in the future, storage projects in Greece. Thus, ensuring a smooth and successful transition to an energy mix that is more flexible and with lower GHG emissions. Keeping always in mind the ultimate goal which is the climate neutrality by 2050. In order to achieve the energy and climate goals in Greece it is necessary to ensure the operation of open and competitive electricity markets, both wholesale and retail. This is why HAIPP insists, since its establishment in 2010, and advocates, through public statements and actions in Greece and the European Union, for:

  • strengthened competition in the Greek electricity market
  • maintaining the successful design of the European electricity market
  • necessary but carefully planned adjustments of the market design, taking into account the recent polycrisis
so that consumers in Greece enjoy competitive electricity prices and security of supply.

Viktor Papakonstantinou